ISSN 2307-4248
"Gerontology" - a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to a wide range of fundamental and applied problems of medicine, geriatrics, gerontology, biology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and pharmacy, cosmetology, social gerontology and hygiene, gerogogics, sociology, psychology, education science for the elderly.
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.
Language: English and Russian.
Founder: Independent noncommercail organization "Research Medical Center "GERONTOLOGY "
Certificate of registration of mass media: Эл № ФС77-52919 on 20/02/13.
Postal address: 125009, Russia, Moscow, B.Dmitrovka st., 9, Building 3, the medical center "Your Hospital", journal "Gerontology".
E-mail: gerontology.journal@gmail.com
Editor in Chief: Prashchayeu Kiryl, MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (Moscow, Russia).
Deputy Chief Editor: Ilnitski Andrei, MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. - the first deputy editor (Polotsk, Belarus);
Gurko Gleb, MD, PhD - deputy editor (Medical Sciences) (St. Petersburg, Russia);
Stasevich Natalja, MD, PhD, DSc - deputy editor (Medical Sciences);
Bessarabov Volodymyr, PhD. Chem. Science - deputy editor (biological and pharmaceutical sciences) (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Members of the editorial board:
Kvetnoy I.M., MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (St. Petersburg);
Ivanova M.A., MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (Moscow);
Kubešova Matejovska H., MD, PhD, Prof. (Brno, Czech Republic);
Liutsko V.V., MD, PhD (Moscow);
Polyakova V.O., Dr. biol., PhD, DSc, Prof. (St. Petersburg);
Frolova E.V., MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (St. Petersburg);
Gorshunova N.K., MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (Kursk);
Grodzicki Tomasz, Dr hab. med., PhD, Prof. (Krakow, Poland);
Anabela Mota Pinta, PhD, Prof. (Coimbra, Portugal);
Joao Gorjao Clara, MD, PhD, Prof. (Lisbon, Portugal);
Olivier Saint Jean, professor (Paris, France);
Zhiljakova E.T., MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. (Belgorod);
Kisteneva O.A., PhD hist. , Associate Professor (Belgorod);
Medvedev D.S., MD, PhD, DSc, Ass. Prof., PhD Sociology (St. Petersburg);
Rizhikov V.S., PhD, DSc, (Kirovograd, Ukraine);
Krivtsunov A.N., MD (Moscow) - Secretary.