Review of modern concepts of education in the field of gerontology, which is designated by the term gerogogics, is presented in the article. Gerogogics is a newly emerging term that literally means "the science of education of the elderly and senile age". Despite the extremely few, but still increasing in numbers mentioning gerogogics in a Russian medical periodical press, the exact range, the point of application of the term and its content has not yet been found. The article describes the main areas gerogogics, namely the doctrine of the features of education for people with middle and old age, teaching about the features of education and public awareness about the problems of the elderly and senile age, the doctrine of professional training in gerontology and geriatrics, in fact, education experts, working with people with middle and old age. A personal experience of the authors in the field of gerogogics is also presented.
Keywords: gerogogics, education, elderly and senile age.
Ilnitski A.N. 3, Prashchayeu K. I. 1, Bessarabov V. I. 2 THE MODERN VIEW ON THE PROBLEMS OF GEROGOGICS // ÃÅÐÎÍÒÎËÎÃÈß. – 2013. – ¹ 2;
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