Биологические науки
Ilnitski A.N. 2, Prashchaeu K.I. 1
1. Institute of doctors improvement of Federal medico-biological agency, the department of therapy, geriatrics and anti-aging medicine, Moscow, Russia 2. Institute of doctors improvement of Federal medico-biological agency, the department of therapy, geriatrics and anti-aging medicine, Moscow, Russia
The article presents the main modern ideas of the new interdisciplinary direction at the junction of aesthetic medicine, geriatrics and valeology - anti-aging medicine. Describes its purpose is effective individual programs of prevention of the development and progression of chronic diseases and age-related conditions; the characteristic sections of preventive medicine and regenerative medicine. Review used in anti-aging medicine diagnostic methods, presents a medical specialty in which are individualized prevention programs with proven efficacy. Substantiates the importance of anti-aging medicine as a discipline with its own scientific methodological tools, points of application, presents prospects of scientific study.
Keywords: Anti-aging medicine, geriatrics, aesthetic medicine, valeology