REVIEW ON THE BOOK "Years fastidious" by V.N. Anisimov, Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (SPb .: "Aesculapius", 2014.- 400 p.)
Ilnitski A.N. 1
1. Institute training FMBA of Russia, Department of therapy, geriatrics, and anti-aging medicine, Moscow, Russia
Domestic gerontology and geriatrics are relatively young fields of science and practice, but still passed the way of growth and actively developing. At this stage, there is a need of generalization and interpretation of results achieved, summing up the intermediate results and the formation of the ways of further development. Not surprisingly, this was done by one of the largest domestic gerontologists, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Anisimov in his memoirs, "Years choosy", which was published in St. Petersburg publishing house "Aesculapius" in 2014. As with all deep, thoughtful autobiographies, questions profession, in this case - the development of gerontological science is inextricably intertwined with the events of his personal life, and all of this together - against a background of historical events of the lifetime of the author described it with subtlety and bright.
Keywords: fastidious years, Anisimov VN, Review of the book
Ilnitski A.N. 1 REVIEW ON THE BOOK "Years fastidious" by V.N. Anisimov, Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (SPb .: "Aesculapius", 2014.- 400 p.)
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